Angel numbers are often seen as spiritual messages, but what does the Bible say about them? While the Bible doesn’t mention angel numbers specifically, it does talk about angels and how God communicates with us. Understanding these teachings can help you discern what is truly biblical and how to seek God’s guidance.
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What Does The Bible Say About angel numbers
Genesis 19:1
The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.
This verse shows the arrival of angels in the city of Sodom. It reminds us that angels can be sent by God to fulfill specific purposes and bring messages or assistance to humans.
God often makes use of angels to communicate His will to us and to protect and guide us in our journey of faith.
Psalm 91:11
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
This verse assures us that God commands His angels to guard and protect us in all our ways. It reminds us that we are never alone and that there are heavenly beings watching over us.
Angel numbers often serve as reminders of God’s protection and guidance in our lives, reminding us to trust in His divine presence and care.
Matthew 1:20-21
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
In this verse, an angel appears to Joseph in a dream, reassuring him about Mary’s pregnancy and explaining the significance of the child she is carrying.
Angel numbers can also convey messages and guidance from God, providing clarity and direction in our lives.
Acts 12:7
Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.
In this verse, an angel appears to Peter while he is imprisoned, freeing him from his chains and leading him to freedom.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder of God’s power to release us from the chains of bondage and lead us into freedom and victory.
Hebrews 1:14
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
This verse reminds us that angels are sent by God to serve and minister to those who are called to inherit salvation.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder of the spiritual assistance and guidance that is available to us as we walk in our faith journey.
Matthew 28:5
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
In this verse, an angel reassures the women who came to Jesus’ tomb that there is no need to fear because Jesus has risen.
Angel numbers can bring comfort and reassurance, reminding us not to be afraid but to trust in God’s plan and victory.
Luke 2:10-11
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
In this verse, an angel announces the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, bringing them good news and causing great joy.
Angel numbers can bring messages of hope, joy, and the good news of God’s salvation and love.
Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
This verse encourages us to show hospitality to strangers, as some have unknowingly shown hospitality to angels in the process.
Angel numbers can remind us to be kind and generous to others, as we never know who we might be encountering in the form of an angel.
Revelation 22:8-9
I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!”
In this verse, John falls down to worship at the feet of an angel, but the angel corrects him and reminds him to worship God alone.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder to keep our worship and reverence directed towards God, recognizing the role of angels as fellow servants in God’s kingdom.
2 Kings 6:16-17
“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
In this verse, Elisha reassures his servant that there are more heavenly beings with them than their human enemies, and then prays for the servant’s eyes to be opened to see the spiritual reality.
Angel numbers can remind us that there is a spiritual realm at work, and that we are not alone in our battles. God and His angels are fighting on our behalf.
Matthew 18:10
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”
In this verse, Jesus emphasizes the value and importance of children, stating that their angels always see the face of God.
Angel numbers can remind us of the preciousness of every individual, including children, and the care and attention angels give to them.
Acts 27:23-24
Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’
This verse narrates an angel appearing to Paul, assuring him not to be afraid because God has a plan for him and those sailing with him.
Angel numbers can bring comfort and assurance even in the face of trials and challenges, reminding us of God’s sovereignty and provision.
Genesis 28:12
He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
This verse depicts Jacob’s dream of a stairway to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it, highlighting the connection between earth and heaven.
Angel numbers can remind us of the spiritual reality that exists beyond what we can see, and the constant connection between heaven and earth.
2 Samuel 24:16
When the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord relented concerning the disaster and said to the angel who was afflicting the people, “Enough! Withdraw your hand.” The angel of the Lord was then at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
This verse recounts how an angel was sent to bring judgment upon Jerusalem but was commanded by God to stop. It shows the authority and power that God has over angels.
Angel numbers can remind us of God’s sovereignty and His ability to intervene and bring about change in any situation.
1 Kings 19:5
Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.”
In this verse, an angel wakes Elijah and provides him with food and nourishment during a time of physical and spiritual exhaustion.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder that God’s angels are available to strengthen and nourish us in times of need.
Matthew 4:11
Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
After Jesus resisted Satan’s temptations, angels came to attend to Him, providing care and support.
Angel numbers can remind us that God’s angels are present during our spiritual battles, ready to provide comfort and aid when we choose to follow God’s path.
Acts 10:3-4
One day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision. He distinctly saw an angel of God, who came to him and said, “Cornelius!” Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked. The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.”
This verse tells the story of Cornelius receiving a vision from an angel, recognizing his prayers and his generosity towards the poor as a pleasing offering to God.
Angel numbers can remind us of the significance of our prayers and acts of kindness, and the impact they have in the spiritual realm.
Luke 22:43
An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
In this verse, an angel appears to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, providing Him with strength during a time of great anguish and prayer.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder that God’s angels are present in our darkest moments, offering us strength and support.
Revelation 1:1
The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John.
This verse speaks of the revelation given to John through an angel, portraying the role of angels in delivering divine messages and visions.
Angel numbers can serve as a means through which God communicates His plan and purpose to us.
Matthew 26:53
Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?
In this verse, Jesus affirms His authority to call upon God to send a multitude of angels if He so desires.
Angel numbers can remind us of the immense power and resources available to us through God’s heavenly hosts.
1 Corinthians 6:3
Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!
This verse mentions that believers will have a role in judging angels, emphasizing our high position in Christ.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder of our authority and position in Christ, as we are seated with Him in heavenly realms.
1 Peter 1:12
It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.
In this verse, it is mentioned that angels are intrigued by the things concerning the gospel and its proclamation to humanity.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder that the message of the gospel is significant and impactful, even to heavenly beings.
Judges 6:12
When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”
In this verse, the angel assures Gideon of God’s presence with him and encourages him to embrace his role as a mighty warrior.
Angel numbers can remind us of God’s presence and empowerment in our lives, enabling us to fulfill the purposes and assignments He has for us.
Hebrews 2:2-3
For since the message spoken through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?
In this verse, the writer of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of not ignoring the message of salvation, conveyed through angels in the Old Testament.
Angel numbers can serve as a reminder of the significance of our response to the message of salvation and the consequences of neglecting it.