Genesis 5 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 5

This is the record of Adam’s descendants. On the day God created humanity, he made them to resemble God 2 and created them male and female. He blessed them and called them humanity on the day they were created. 3 When Adam was 130 years old, he became the father of a son in his image, resembling him, and named him Seth. 4 After Seth’s birth, Adam lived 800 years; he had other sons and daughters. 5 In all, Adam lived 930 years, and he died.

6 When Seth was 105 years old, he became the father of Enosh. 7 After the birth of Enosh, Seth lived 807 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 8 In all, Seth lived 912 years, and he died.

9 When Enosh was 90 years old, he became the father of Kenan. 10 After Kenan’s birth, Enosh lived 815 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 11 In all, Enosh lived 905 years, and he died.

12 When Kenan was 70 years old, he became the father of Mahalalel. 13 After the birth of Mahalalel, Kenan lived 840 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 14 In all, Kenan lived 910 years, and he died.

15 When Mahalalel was 65 years old, he became the father of Jared. 16 After Jared’s birth, Mahalalel lived 830 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 17 In all, Mahalalel lived 895 years, and he died.

18 When Jared was 162 years old, he became the father of Enoch. 19 After Enoch’s birth, Jared lived 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 20 In all, Jared lived 962 years, and he died.

21 When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah. 22 Enoch walked with God. After Methuselah’s birth, Enoch lived 300 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 23 In all, Enoch lived 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God and disappeared because God took him.

25 When Methuselah was 187 years old, he became the father of Lamech. 26 After Lamech’s birth, Methuselah lived 782 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 27 In all, Methuselah lived 969 years, and he died.

28 When Lamech was 182 years old, he became the father of a son 29 and named him Noah, saying, “This one will give us relief from our hard work, from the pain in our hands, because of the fertile land that the Lord cursed.” 30 After Noah’s birth, Lamech lived 595 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 31 In all, Lamech lived 777 years, and he died.

32 When Noah was 500 years old, Noah became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Genesis 5 Meaning

Genesis 5 provides a genealogy of Adam’s descendants from Adam to Noah. It traces the family line from generation to generation, reminding us of God’s faithfulness and plan throughout history. The purpose of this genealogy is to illustrate the connection between Adam, who sinned and brought sin into the world, and Noah, who would later bring redemption through the Ark. It reminds us that God is actively involved in the lives of His people, working out His plan of salvation.

Also Read: Genesis 4 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 5 Commentary and Explanation

Genesis 5 recounts the genealogy from Adam to Noah, offering a meticulous lineage that spans multiple generations. In this chapter, we witness the passing down of life from Adam, the first human created by God, through his descendants, signifying the longevity of life during that era. The chapter showcases the human lifespan, highlighting their ages and the subsequent passing away of each generation.

Adam, the first man, is listed first in the genealogy. His creation marked the beginning of humanity, and his life reflects a time when humans lived exceedingly long lives compared to subsequent generations. This chapter details the ages of Adam’s descendants, including Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and finally Noah. Each descendant is noted for the years he lived before fathering a son, how long he lived after the birth of that son, and his total lifespan.

One remarkable figure in this lineage is Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, who “walked with God” and was taken by God without experiencing death. This mysterious departure sets Enoch apart, showing a unique closeness and favor from God. Hebrews 11:5 further emphasizes Enoch’s exceptional faith, stating that he “did not experience death” because God took him away. This highlights the importance of a faithful and obedient relationship with God.

The consistent repetition of the phrase “and he died” following each patriarch’s lifespan underscores the mortality and frailty of human life. Despite their long lives by our standards, each of these men eventually succumbed to death, underscoring the consequence of sin brought into the world by Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden (Romans 5:12).

The genealogy also sets the stage for the eventual introduction of Noah, who becomes a pivotal figure in the biblical narrative. Noah’s significance is highlighted by his connection to Enoch and the subsequent events in the following chapters of Genesis, particularly the account of the great flood and the preservation of life through Noah’s family.

Genesis 5 serves as a foundational chapter, emphasizing the continuity of life and the passage of time within God’s plan. It conveys the faithfulness of God in preserving a lineage through which His purposes and promises would be fulfilled, ultimately leading to the birth of Jesus Christ, who is traced back to Adam in Luke’s Gospel (Luke 3:23-38). The chapter also serves as a reminder of the brevity of human life and the importance of faithfulness and obedience to God throughout our journey on earth.

Context of Genesis 5

Genesis 5 is situated within the larger context of the Book of Genesis, which describes the creation of the world, the fall of humanity, and the beginnings of civilization. It is a continuation of the account of Adam and Eve, emphasizing the consequences of sin and God’s plan for restoration.

During this time, humanity had multiplied and filled the earth, but sin continued to spread, leading to corruption and wickedness. However, God remained faithful and revealed His plan to Noah, who found favor in His sight. Through Noah, God would preserve a remnant of humanity and ultimately bring redemption through Jesus Christ.

Breaking Down the Key Parts of Genesis 5

“This is the book of the generations of Adam” (Genesis 5:1): This introductory statement sets the stage for the following genealogy, highlighting God’s interest in the details of our lives and His plan for redemption.

“He created them male and female and blessed them and named them Man” (Genesis 5:2): This verse echoes the creation account in Genesis 1 and emphasizes the unique and complementary nature of male and female, both created in the image of God.

The repetition of “and he died” after listing the age of each person: This repetition serves as a reminder of the consequence of sin and human mortality. It underscores the need for redemption and the fulfillment of God’s plan.

Bible Study on Genesis 5

Genesis 5 encourages us to reflect on the brevity of life and the consequences of sin. It reminds us that, just as Adam’s sin affected all of humanity, our actions have repercussions beyond ourselves. It is a call to consider our own mortality and to live with the understanding that our time on earth is limited.

This genealogy also invites us to recognize the faithfulness of God throughout generations. Despite the fallen nature of humanity, God remains committed to His plan for redemption. He is the God who works through history and genealogies, weaving together the stories of countless individuals to fulfill His purpose.

As we read through the list of names, we may be tempted to see it as a dull and repetitive passage. However, if we take the time to ponder the significance of each person’s life, we can see how they are part of God’s larger narrative. Each name represents an individual whom God created, loved, and had a purpose for. Just as God was intimately involved in their lives, He is intimately involved in ours.

Final Thoughts

Genesis 5 reminds us of the importance of recognizing God’s hand in our lives, in the lives of those who came before us, and in the lives of future generations. It teaches us that our lives have significance and a role to play in God’s redemptive plan.

May we be inspired to live with purpose, to seek God’s will, and to leave a godly legacy for those who come after us. Let us remember that even in the midst of sin and death, God’s love, faithfulness, and plan for redemption endure.