John 2:20 Meaning and Commentary

“Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?”– John 2:20

John 2:20 Meaning

In this verse, we see a significant interaction between Jesus and the Jewish authorities. When the temple in Jerusalem was a topic of discussion, the religious leaders were amazed at what Jesus had said. They referred to the physical structure that had taken forty-six years to build. Their incredulity shows their lack of understanding of the deeper meaning Jesus was presenting. He wasn’t speaking of the physical temple but rather, He was alluding to His body, which He would raise from the dead in three days after his crucifixion. This verse reveals a lot about how people sometimes focus on the superficial while missing the profound truths that God wants to share with us.

John 2:20 Commentary and Explanation

When we read John 2:20, we notice the Jewish leaders responding to Jesus with astonishment. Their reaction emphasizes the physicality of the temple, focusing on the time and effort that went into building it. They couldn’t comprehend that Jesus was speaking metaphorically about His own resurrection. This shows how often we can get caught up in the literal when God is trying to speak to our spiritual understanding. Jesus was signaling to His followers that He would destroy the temple of His body and, in three days, he would raise it up again. This was a pivotal moment in understanding Jesus’ mission on Earth. His purpose was not merely to repair a physical structure but to bring salvation to humanity through His death and resurrection.

To grasp the significance of Jesus’ remark, we can reflect on how He presents the idea of a temple. Throughout the Bible, temples symbolize a dwelling place for God among His people. In Exodus 25:8, God commands the Israelites to build Him a sanctuary, a place He could dwell among them. Fast forward to the New Testament, and Jesus introduces a new understanding of what the temple represents. In John 2:19, just before this verse, Jesus states, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,” indicating that He embodies the presence of God, shifting the paradigm of where and how they understood God to inhabit.

To appreciate Jesus fully and His statements about the temple, we must consider further scriptures that clarify His purpose, such as in Matthew 12:6, where Jesus mentions that something greater than the temple is here. He reframes the conversation about where and how God interacts with humanity. This revelation is profound; Jesus becomes the living temple where heaven touches earth. For us today, this passage serves as a reminder that Jesus is always present, guiding us in our daily lives.

Context of John 2:20

Understanding the context of this verse is essential. This encounter occurs following the cleansing of the temple when Jesus disrupts the money changers and merchants desecrating the sacred space. His actions stirred up significant controversy among the religious authorities. They challenged His authority, prompting Him to respond with profound statements about the temple. The temple was central to Jewish life and worship, so claiming to destroy it and raise it in three days confronts both religious tradition and belief.

The temple in Jerusalem, built by Herod, was a symbol of Jewish pride and heritage. It was considered the dwelling place of God on earth. By claiming to be able to raise it in three days, Jesus was putting Himself on the same level as the temple, which was blasphemous in their eyes. They could only think in terms of the physical, not realizing that Jesus was pointing toward the spiritual reality of His resurrection. This moment sets the stage for understanding the conflict that will continue to grow between Jesus and the Jewish leaders, highlighting the larger theme of misunderstanding that runs throughout the Gospels.

If we further explore the deeper implications of this moment, we must recognize that the temple metaphor encapsulates God’s desire for relationship with His creation. Through Jesus, access to God would no longer be confined to a physical location; rather, through faith in Him, believers would become a temple, as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19. This revelation transforms our understanding of God’s presence, creating a direct connection between believers and Him, no longer requiring intermediaries or a specific place.

Breaking Down the Key Parts of John 2:20

When we look closely at the verse, we can break down its key components. The statement by the Jews reflects a collective identity rooted in their cultural and religious heritage. They have spent generations building and celebrating the temple, which comes to represent their relationship with God. On the other hand, Jesus presents a radical redefinition of that relationship, moving from a physical place of worship to himself being the embodiment of that worship.

The phrase “forty and six years” is significant because it points to the extensive history and dedication laid into constructing the temple. This emphasizes the weight of their disbelief when faced with Jesus’ declaration of resurrection. They cannot comprehend how something that took so long to build could be undone in three days. This hints at their struggle as humans to grasp the concepts of divine power and God’s ability to operate outside of human logic and expectation.

Also, it’s vital to understand the term “raise it up.” In this phrase lies the core of the Christian faith: resurrection. For the Jewish leaders, crucifixion was not something they were prepared to accept as God’s plan. They saw it as weakness, while Christians view it as the ultimate display of God’s strength and plan for redemption. Jesus’ promise of resurrection in three days emphasizes hope that is eternal. It assures us that even in the darkest moments, God is always at work, bringing forth life from death.

Lessons From John 2:20

John 2:20 teaches us several valuable lessons. The first lesson revolves around the idea of spiritual blindness. Often, we can become so wrapped up in our traditions and the material aspects of our faith that we may miss what God is trying to tell us. The Jewish leaders were so focused on the physical temple that they couldn’t see the new covenant Jesus was establishing; they completely missed the meaning of His words.

This tapers into the second lesson about faith and understanding. As believers, we are called to seek understanding and wisdom from God rather than relying solely on our human insight. In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are reminded to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. Jesus’ death and resurrection call us to trust in God’s plan, even when it doesn’t make sense at first or seems counterintuitive to our human logic.

Finally, this passage points to the importance of recognizing Jesus as our true temple. Through our faith, we can enter into a deep relationship with Him. He is our Mediator, the one through whom we connect with God. This has significant implications for our everyday lives. As we navigate our challenges, we can find comfort in knowing that God dwells within us and that we have direct access to His presence at any time.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, John 2:20 illuminates our understanding of Jesus and the very nature of our faith. As we reflect on the Jewish leaders’ response, we recognize our potential to miss the profound truths God is trying to reveal to us. It encourages us to remain alert and open to His leading in our lives.

This verse also calls us to acknowledge the centrality of Jesus in our relationship with God. He becomes the living temple, signifying a new way of interacting with the Divine. As we journey forward in our faith, let’s remember that He invites us into deeper communion. When we trust in Him, we can be assured that He is always working for our good, bringing life from the death of our circumstances. If you are interested in exploring more about trust and faith in God, check out Bible Verses About Conviction of Sin or reflect on The Ultimate Surrender. These resources can aid us in deepening our understanding and connection with Him.