“But this he spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”– John 7:39
John 7:39 Meaning
What a powerful verse we have in John 7:39! Here, we see Jesus speaking about the Holy Spirit. When Jesus talks about the Spirit, he is referring to the gift promised to those who believe in Him. The verse highlights an important truth — the incredible gift that believers would receive when the Holy Spirit was given. This promise is crucial to our faith and is what sets apart our Christian experience.
At the time this verse was spoken, the Holy Spirit had not yet been given to the followers of Christ. Jesus had not yet been glorified—that is, he had not yet completed his mission on Earth through his sacrificial death and glorious resurrection. The importance of this moment cannot be overstated. The followers of Jesus were still feeling the weight of anticipation, longing to understand the fullness of what was to come. The Holy Spirit would later come in a powerful way at Pentecost (Acts 2), radically changing the lives of Jesus’ followers and enabling them to spread the message of the gospel with boldness.
John 7:39 Commentary and Explanation
When we examine this verse further, we need to look at the broader context. John 7 describes a significant time in Jesus’ ministry during the Feast of Tabernacles. This feast was known for celebrating God’s provision, especially as it related to water and sustenance, mirroring the physical needs of the people.
Jesus stood up in the midst of the crowd and proclaimed that anyone who believed in Him would receive living water. This living water symbolizes the Holy Spirit, who would come to dwell within those who trust in Christ. The entire chapter resonates with themes of thirst, nourishment, and the ultimate satisfaction that only Christ can provide. As Jesus makes the statement about the Spirit, he is inviting us into a relationship that’s deep and fulfilling, one that quenches our spiritual thirst.
We see this offer extended to everyone. Just as Jesus spoke these words to the crowd gathered around Him, He speaks them to us today. When we come to Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit to guide us, comfort us, and empower us in our daily lives. It’s through the Spirit that we experience God’s presence and joy every day, leading us in ways that align with His will.
Believing in Jesus signifies accepting His sacrifice and embracing the profound truth that we do not have to navigate life alone. The Holy Spirit acts as a helper and counselor, providing us with wisdom and discernment as we face daily challenges. This is what makes our faith personal and vibrant. We see our lives transformed as we walk in step with the Spirit instead of gratifying the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).
This verse also aligns with other scriptural truths about the Spirit. In Acts 1:8, we read that the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses for Christ. In Romans 8:26, Paul explains how the Spirit intercedes for us, praying on our behalf when we do not know what to say. The Holy Spirit also teaches us all things and reminds us of everything that Jesus taught (John 14:26). The promises are profound and should encourage us immensely as we navigate this life.
Overall, John 7:39 encapsulates a moment of transition, a bridge between the Old Covenant and the New. Jesus’ glorification opened the door for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within us, which is a gift we should cherish deeply. The promise of the Holy Spirit is foundational for our faith journey as it assures us of God’s constant presence and guidance in our lives.
Context of John 7:39
Let’s explore the context in which Jesus speaks these words. John 7 takes place during the Feast of Tabernacles, one of the major Jewish feasts, a celebration of God’s provision during the Israelites’ time in the wilderness. Observing this feast required the Jewish people to dwell in temporary shelters or booths, recalling how God provided for them during their exodus from Egypt. The whole atmosphere was filled with celebration and remembrance of God’s goodness.
Jesus uses this festive context to illustrate profound truths. Amidst the physical symbols of water and bread represents our spiritual needs. As those gathered celebrated the water tradition, where the priests poured water over the altar, Jesus boldly stood and declared himself as the living water. This act not only astonished the crowd but also created division among the people. Some believed in Him, while others doubted and questioned His authority.
As the chapter develops, we see religious leaders beginning to plot against Jesus. They were threatened by His claim and the authority with which he spoke. Amidst the growing tension, Jesus offers hope. He shares that there would be a day when those who believed in Him would experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the historical and cultural backdrop of John 7 gives us insight into why this proclamation was so important. Jesus wasn’t merely offering a metaphor; he was sharing the very essence of a new covenant that would hinge on faith and the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives. The reality of the Holy Spirit would encompass transformation, guidance, and empowerment—elements that would define the early Church.
Ultimately, Jesus was assuring his followers that they would not be left alone after his ascension. The Holy Spirit would come to dwell within them, guiding and equipping them to carry out the mission entrusted to them.
Breaking Down the Key Parts of John 7:39
Let’s break down the key parts of this verse further. Jesus mentions “the Spirit” twice, highlighting its significance. It is essential to understand what this ‘Spirit’ means for us today. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each has distinct roles yet is unified in essence and purpose. The section reveals that believers will receive the Spirit, emphasizing that it is a gift, not something we earn or strive for. It comes freely to those who have faith.
Furthermore, Jesus mentions that “those believing in Him would receive.” This little word “would” indicates a future reality—as we know, following Jesus’ death and resurrection at Pentecost, this promise became a transformative reality. The waiting period for the disciples was crucial for their preparation. They needed to experience the grief of losing Christ to understand the power and significance of the Spirit’s coming.
The aspect of glorification is also enlightening. Jesus needed to be glorified, which means he had to go through his arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Glorification signifies not only His rising above the challenge of the cross but also His radiance following this act of love and sacrifice. In Ephesians 1:20, we understand that His resurrection and ascension exalted Him far above all rule and authority—a fact that relates immensely to our relationship with the Spirit.
Additionally, when we apply this understanding to our spiritual lives, we see a call to acknowledge that Jesus had to first fulfill His mission for the fullness of the Spirit to come. Therefore, we live in the reality of the resurrected Jesus, walking empowered by the Spirit to be His hands and feet on Earth. This unity between Christ’s glorification and the Spirit’s empowering work demonstrates the intricate design of God’s plan for humanity.
Lessons From John 7:39
There are numerous lessons we can take away from John 7:39. One of the most prominent truths is that we are never alone. When we choose to follow Jesus, we are promised the Holy Spirit to guide us. In our lives today, we might experience doubts, fears, or loneliness, but the Holy Spirit continually reminds us of God’s presence. We can call upon the Spirit for guidance, comfort, and strength, knowing we have divine help in our daily lives.
Another lesson is the importance of belief. The promise of receiving the Holy Spirit is conditional upon belief in Jesus. This relationship grows when we nurture our faith through prayer, Scripture reading, and connection with fellow believers. Our faith strengthens as we understand the value of the Holy Spirit, and we learn to rely on Him for growth and empowerment.
We also learn about transformation. The Holy Spirit enables us to overcome sin and live the life God calls us to. He convicts, guides, and supports us as we grow in our relationship with Christ. This empowerment leads to abundant living. It allows us to embody the love and grace of Jesus, reflecting His character to others.
Moreover, the promise of the Holy Spirit encourages us to share the message of Jesus with others. As we experience His work in our lives, we become witnesses to the transforming power of Christ, bringing hope to those around us. This mission applies to everyone, as Jesus made it clear that anyone who believes can receive this immense gift. It’s a legacy we are invited to pass on.
Finally, John 7:39 teaches us about anticipation. The early followers of Jesus were left with hope and expectation, waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. We, too, should foster a sense of hope in God’s promises. Just as the Holy Spirit came in power after Christ’s resurrection, we can look forward to how God will continually work in our lives. Whether it’s an answered prayer or a fresh revelation, we should keep our eyes and hearts open to God’s movement.
Final Thoughts
In closing, John 7:39 is a remarkable promise of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. As believers, we are not just recipients of a historical narrative; we are participants in a living faith. This verse reminds us of our calling and the transformative essence of the Spirit. We should embrace this gift with gratitude and allow it to shape the way we live, love, and impact our world.
This verse is a call to live empowered, as the Holy Spirit equips us to share love and grace with others and journey through life anchored in faith. As we continue on this path, may we remember to lean into the Spirit’s guidance, allowing Him to help us grow closer to Jesus. We are never alone, and God’s promises remain true. The promise of the Holy Spirit is a gift that empowers us to live boldly and share the gospel with the world, and with that knowledge, we can approach each day with confidence and joy.
As we finish this exploration and analysis, we encourage everyone to continue seeking knowledge on these topics. For more encouragement, consider exploring Bible verses about encouragement to others. Together, let us cultivate understanding and rejoice in the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives!